The exhibition "Las Antequeranas de la Feria"


Nunca en la historia de la ciudad de Antequera se hizo  una exposición social sólo sobre las mujeres vestidas de flamenco. Esta exposición fue una oportunidad para ver la tradición e historia en vivo. Estos retratos de las mujeres Antequeranas no sólo son motivo de admiración sino también son un patrimonio para las generaciones futuras.

Hago especial énfasis en la parte social y cultural: el orgullo general de las mujeres españolas de Andalucía al vestir sus trajes de flamenca. Estas mujeres tienen el poder de cambiar o transformar esos vestidos a través de la moda y del tiempo. Es fascinante ver como las niñas de ayer se convierten en madres hoy y continúan con la tradición, vistiendo a sus hijos con ellas.

La exposición tuvo lugar 12-22 Agosto de 2019, en la sala de Exposiciones Antonio Montiel (Ayuntamiento de Antequera, C/Infante D.Fernando 70, Antequera, España).

En la prensa:

El Sol de Antequera

Las 4 esquinas

Ayuntamiento de Antequera



The antequerana woman as the exclusive protagonist of my exhibition. The town of Antequera never in the past had organized a social exhibition, only about women dressed in flamenco. It is a great opportunity to see tradition and history live. These portraits of the Antequeranas are not only cause of admiration, but also a heritage for future generations.

I place special emphasis on the social and cultural aspect: the general pride of the Spanish women of Andalusia wearing the flamenco dresses. These women have the power to change or transform those dresses through fashion and time. It is fascinating to see how yesterday's girls become today's mothers, and continue the tradition by dressing up together with their children.

The traje de flamenca is the dress traditionally worn by women at Ferias (festivals) in Andalusia, Spain. This traditional women‘s costume has undergone changes over the century or more that it has been in widespread use. The skirts became shorter and after few years dropped back to the ankle again. Patterns and colors of materials are constantly changing. During traditional festivities, women wearing these dresses still inspire a number of works of art. When I was asking these women in portraits in the Spring Fair, why they adore to dress in these dresses- all as one said, that traje de falmenca is very beautiful, their mothers and grandmothers were dressing like this long time ago, and the traditions of Andalusia are wonderful and it’s a matter of honor to keep and protect them. Nothing has changed with answers, when I was doing the second part of thi project - in August Fair 2019 of Antequera town.

The exibition took place in August 12th to 22nd of 2019 in “Antonio Montiel Exhibition Hall” (Antequera City Hall, C/Infante D.Fernando 70, Antequera, Spain)

Photos below: women of Antequera dressed in Flamenco clothes during May and August Fair 2019.


Las Antequeranas


La Manga: Happy Oldies Avenue